Monday, 24 January 2011

Eyecandy Monday - tattoo special

Danielle and I were discussing this picture last year. I think she's beautiful and incredibly hot. The tattoo doesn't enhance that for me but, right at the moment, it doesn't detract either (I'm not so sure how she'll feel about it in 15 years time...).

Anyway, I thought I'd have a trawl through my eyecandy files and find you some more with tattoos. There have been several in my eyecandy of the last few years, but today's are all new to this blog.  Enjoy!


Madeline Moore said...

Jesus Janine, my eyes are bulging out of their sockets here. What a lovely bunch of illustrated hotties. Well, most are lovely and the rest are menacing, which is good, too. Tattoos, huh? Got one? I do - one letter of the alphabet, on my wrist.

Janine Ashbless said...

Oh, yes, I got one - a "tramp stamp" on the small of my back. I went for a location that wouldn't wrinkle or sag too badly as I got older ... which is where that conversation with Danielle started!

Chris said...

Wow! I second Madeline! My brain is melting!

Janine Ashbless said...

Music to my ears, Chris. (Eyes then ... can you have music to your eyes?)