Friday, 15 July 2011

The shallow end

I don't know about where you're at, but here it's scorchio today - too hot to walk dogs!

Fancy a dip in a pool?  Fancy something short, frivolous and featuring a bouncing bikini-clad babe? I've got a new story up on my website - just go onto the main page and look in the left-hand column for the Free Story button :-)


  1. Sounds perfect for this summer day! I love short, frivolous protagonists. ; )

  2. Excellent, but I have no time now, 'twill have to wait til Sunday, sadly.

    Is that man being very very cautious, or just making sure we see his bottom> :)

  3. Oh, that's odd Jo - I assumed he was getting out of the pool. You've made me look at it completely differently now!

  4. Lovely—and hot!!—story, Janine! Thanks for sharing it!!

  5. :-D
    Thank you Emerald!

    Of course now it's raining...
