Sunday, 4 April 2010

Going Naked at F-Stop

Rather more than her ankles, actually...

Today (and for the rest of the week) I am featured over at F-Stop: exposing the naked I. To say I was nervous when I subbed this would be just a bit of an understatement!

Here's F-Stop's manifesto:
This blog will feature all genres of erotic art with the focus on exposing the most vulnerable parts of each contributing creator. We’re looking for you to expose those exquisite soft and pink parts that lay hidden somewhere inside and are usually kept safely locked up. This blog will be the home for works of sensual expression and down to the bare bones of each artists subjective perspective – naked emotionally; naked physically and naked spiritually – We want you to dig deep; no deeper, hmmm…you’re almost there…go a little deeper still, inside yourself and expose the naked “I”, which we hope, no scratch that, which we know will be sexually provocative. We want you to fly free and high. Why? Because it is our belief that being truly exposed is both liberating and cathartic for both you the artist, and the lover of the art.

So I wrote a post about something that has shaped and changed my life and continues to affect my future as a person and a writer.

Oh yes: and there a picture of my butt-naked twenty-something-year-old body too. I must be crazy...


  1. I commented at F-stop, but I just wanted to express my thank you here as well.

    And I love the "OMG" image!

  2. You're not crazy, lady, you'd be crazy not to show it off!

    25 seems like a long time ago now, for me. A turning point. Sigh.

  3. Thank you both.
    We're working on getting the nude picture made bigger!

  4. That can be a very rough point in someone's life. For me, it was a bit earlier but still as painful. Wonderfully written.

    Though, I'd be proud of that picture. :)

  5. Hi Janine,
    I should have asked the wonderous Craig to work on making that picture bigger, b/c his day job relates to the behind the scenes computer stuff...yeah... that I obviously know just enough about to make me really dangerous. I did get the image a little bigger, but please know, it's your gorgeous words that are setting the world on fire at F-stop today. You're beautiful inside and out, Janine -

    Thank you again for sharing this touching piece of yourself with us. Thank you.

  6. Neve, you've brought out the best in me.

  7. I commented on your incredibly courageous and moving essay over there ... but I don't want to sign off without mentioning the picture. Because if I don't mention it, you might think I didn't find it pleasing to the eye ... and that would be so far from the truth. ; )

  8. Janine, just wanted to say thank you again.

  9. Not half as much as I want to thank you, Erobintica, and all the people who read and commented so generously.


  10. I'm late! I'm late!

    What a clear, visceral and fluent account, Janine. Thank you.

    And I wish you happiness and the root of happiness, and I'm very glad you're here! VERY glad!

